Jen’s Curfew

Genre(s) 类型: 
Indie Pop

We all have curfews.  Life is the joy and the melancholy, the ecstasy and the shame.  Jen’s Curfew aims to express this struggle through “indie pop”.  “Pop”, because we want to dance, “indie” because that’s what we are.  Our curfew is early and we are always caught up struggling against it.  But in Marc and Daniels’ guitar effects, Chris’ bass groove, Craig’s drum rhythm, Baldwin’s seductive sax and Jen’s raw voice we hope you’ll escape with us.  

Members and Positions: 成员和职位:
Jen:  Voice
Chris:  Bass
Baldwin:  Sax
Craig:  Drums
Marc:  Guitar (Recording), Daniel (Live)

Social Media Links 社交媒体链接:
Instagram:  Jenscurfew
 Weibo:  Jen 宵禁


Jack Donovan


李小布Jinhao Li