Cosmic Worm
Genre(s) 类型:
Stoner, Sludge, Doom, Dungeons & Dragons Sci-fi Fantasy
Long has the Wizard of the Moon looked down on the Earth with a jealous eye, ready to strike out and claim humanity for his own nefarious purposes. Prepare yourselves for tales of glory, daring, and DOOOOOM.
长期以来,月之巫师一直以嫉妒的目光俯视着地球,准备为了自己的邪恶目的而攻击并夺取人类。 准备好迎接荣耀、勇敢和毁灭的故事吧。
Members and Positions: 成员和职位:
The Bard - Whimsical Narrator
The Space Elf - Cosmic Lute
The Red Dwarf - Black Hole Bass
The Cyborc - Solar Swine Hide Drums
Social Media Links 社交媒体链接:
The elders